Is Writing Your ‘Ikigai’?

Writing SEO Copy for Websites

How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along? If they’re already falling by the wayside, perhaps they weren’t the RIGHT resolutions for you, and you need to find your ‘Ikigai’. If you’ve never come across this term before, this could be an ‘ah ha! moment’ for you. Ikigai is a Japanese belief that refers to […]

Face Challenges, Take Risks and Write About Them

take risks with your writing

BY ROBERT B. ROBESON If I’d wanted an easy life, I could have taken up quantum physics, brain surgery or attempted to open a McDonald’s on the moon. Instead, even though I’ve suffered from acrophobia (fear of heights) since a scary incident at the age of five, I’d always dreamed of becoming a pilot and […]

Best Writing Tip: Just Get On With It

Basics of Creative Writing Course

BY SIOBHAN MURPHY Writing. It’s hard. Everyone who writes has been told this more times than the word count of The Lord of the Rings. Yet, somehow, in spite of being told this fact, in spite of knowing it in our marrow, and even in spite of the fact that we re-discovered that writing was […]