Best Writing Advice: Allow All the Parts of Your Life in Your Writing

how to improve your writing

Spiegel im Spiegel BY PETRA HILGERS If you’ve ever read H C Anderson’s fairytale Die Schneekönigin – which I played endlessly on our record player when I was little – then you know to be wary of those broken mirror pieces. However, the piece that hit me one day while I was fighting it out […]

Best Writing Advice: Show Me

best writing tips

BY KRISTIN HOYT My numb, icy fingers grasp the frozen metal handle. Whoosh! A burst of warmth wraps around me like a familiar hug as I slip through the door, plunging my hands back into the pockets of my futile coat. The barista, barricaded behind pastry cases and a behemoth of an espresso machine, opens […]

The Best Writing Tip: Cut with a Razor

songwriting at The Writers College

BY AMELIA RAY Don’t ask me where but once I read that Keith Richards reportedly has a unique songwriting approach. Supposedly, he writes down every word that he feels and then goes back and cuts out every third, tertiary, word. This tidbit fascinated me, even though I had never paid much attention to exactly which […]