My Mother-In-Law Could Be an Orc

monsters in your writing

By Taryn Hochstrasser During my last year of high school, I wrote an essay based on one of the given topics. I don’t remember it well enough now to give an in-depth description, except that it was a sweet piece about a princess and dust motes drifting in the air, sunlight reflecting off their surfaces. […]

The Only Failing is Never Trying!

confidence as a writer

By Helen Aitchison Our lives are riddled with self-doubt. Some more than others. We worry, analyse and focus on the negative. ‘I can’t do it!’ ‘It’ll never work!’ ‘What’s the point?’ We’ve all heard it and we’ve all said it. We are our own harshest judge, most fussy critic and the one often unable to […]

Best Writing Advice: Don’t Write It; Be It

writers having an adventure

By Chase D. Cartwright That’s it. That’s the best advice I can give. Don’t write it; be it. Don’t live your life to become a writer. Live your life so you have stories to tell. Once you achieve that, the rest is secondary. You won’t be able to stop writing. Take your favourite book. Take […]