Best Writing Advice: Simplicity is Key
By Baks Wa Muthamia English is neither my first nor my second nor my third language. It comes in at a distant fourth! But I loved it growing up. It’s fascinating. Early enough, I knew my future lay with the language. I’d always be immersed in some hero’s world in a book I’d be hoarding. If […]
Your Scraps Will Be Your Treasure Later
By Laura Borjas There is a challenge every writer goes through – one might call it a ‘rite of passage’ – where you smear your blood, brains and heart onto the page with no thought to style, grammar or even basic etiquette or hygiene for one month. In accomplishing this goal and passage, you feel, […]
Best Writing Advice: Embrace Your Craft Completely
By Sujana Vangala For years, I lived in a space of hesitancy, in Plan B’s and safety nets. In the same way, my writing survived in sidewalk cracks because I refused to give the sapling a proper pot. Writing was my hobby – something stuck between homework sheets, a page in my Notes app, a […]