Best Writing Tip I’ve Ever Received: ‘Don’t Value Your Time’

writer worrying about time

by Luciana Patri ‘Wanna be successful? Don’t value your time.’ – read the daring title of a video by Teal Swan, one of my favourite contemporary spiritual teachers. It sounded so counterintuitive that I immediately clicked on the play icon and kept my eyes glued to the screen for the following fourteen minutes.  Up until […]

Advice for Writers: Rejection is Just a ‘No’

rejection as a writer

By Kathleen Marple Kalb Rejection is bad, but the fear of it is worse. Too many good writers are afraid to put their work out for consideration because they’re afraid of what will happen. Or they’ve received a few rejections, and they fear the pain of more. Well, as a multi-published author with about 200 […]

Best Writing Advice: Write About Things You Can Drop

write about objects you can drop

When I was a child, I understood grief because I’d had an elephant cookie jar on my shelf that was missing a lid. I’d watched my mother drop the lid as she’d packed her belongings to leave. The lid had slipped from her fingers and smashed into pieces against the brick fireplace. We’d both stared […]