How to Overcome Self-Doubt as a Writer

happy writer celebrating writing success

Here are some tips on kicking your inner critic out the door, so you can get back to doing what you love most, writing. As with most creative fields, writers are often their own worst critics. This breeds self-doubt, which is not productive. Many things can cause self-doubt to set in, including rejection emails (read […]

Self-help 101: Build Trust in One Easy Step

taking risks as a writer

By KIRSTY MAC DOUGALL ‘Trust in the writing process.’ ‘Trust in your innate and untapped writing abilities.’ ‘Trust in yourself.’ Great advice. Tony Robbins would approve. Acclaimed authors and freshman freelancers would approve too. Although these words of encouragement are great in theory and come with only the best intentions, I find the maxims lacking […]

What Memories Don’t Convey

writing prompt for writer

By DAMON CROCKER He moved the bodies of the fallen soldiers to a central location. No, that’s not right, I thought as I violently hit the backspace key on the laptop. My thoughts were like mice who peer through an opening but are hesitant to take the chance of scuttling out. Regardless of how many […]