Pretend You Know What You’re Doing
By CARTER LAPPIN You’re on a bus, about to head up the side of a winding mountain road. You’re trying to get comfortable in your seat, balling your sweater up between your head and the window and hoping that the man next to you won’t actually need the barf bag he’s clutching a little too […]
Just Hit Send
By AMY MULLIS The Enter key is a dragon with sharp claws and teeth that drip the blood of those who dared to trespass. It whiles away the time, resting to the right of my pinky, daring me to press that button that sends my work out into the world. Sure, it comes in handy […]
The Best Writing Advice: You Can Break the Rules If You Have a Good Reason For It
By ETHAN ALEXANDER I was never the popular kid in high school. In fact, I was mostly ignored. I had just transferred to a new school district and often found myself in classes where I was the only Black kid. The isolation I felt from this drastic change of environment pushed me to find […]