Perfidious Passion: Why You Should Bleed Out For Your Writing Instead

writing courses

By AIMAN SHAHID   Take a wound as a starting point; it doesn’t need to be a dramatic blood-splattered Monty Pythonesque affair. It can even be as simple as something your best friend said seven years ago, sharpening its bite with age.  “If you’re not passionate about writing, if you don’t feel like you can’t […]

Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?

writing courses

By NEELESH RATHI You shouldn’t be afraid of writing garbage—or of other people seeing it. But, what if it’s not garbage? What if it’s not something you’re embarrassed to have written, or that you want to revise or change? What if you meant what you wrote? What do you do when the problem isn’t feeling […]

Playwriting 101

playwriting course

By EWING EUGENE BALDWIN I had ruined my voice touring for three years in a bus and truck company of Jesus Christ Superstar. I had played Judas, and now I was a mute—doctor’s orders. I wanted to stay in theatre, so I started writing a play. The first draft was on staff paper, the characters […]