We Write from Our Scars
By SARAH DITTMORE “It’s a great story,” my teacher acquiesced. I beamed with the smile of an over-achiever receiving the much longed-for validation of a superior. “But you’re not ready to write it.” My smile vanished, and indignation took its place. “What do you mean I’m not ready to write it? I wouldn’t have written […]
Best Writing Advice: Get a Hobby
BEST WRITING ADVICE: GET A HOBBY The lettuce wilted. The basil died as soon as it flourished, and the oregano never sprouted in the first place. This was two years ago while I was in the panicked grip of writer’s block, and all I could think about were the words: “Get a hobby, they’d said. […]
Writing Is a Game for Optimists
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” This piece of wisdom came from an American baseball player long deceased. His name was Babe Ruth, and I transposed his famous quote into “Never let the fear of rejection keep you from writing”. American baseball is a game of optimism. Seventy-five […]