Emotions: My Tool for Writing

writing with emotion

BY GEETHA RANGANATHAN Sitting at the city library in Parramatta, I asked myself what drove me to write. As the clouds passed by, I realised that my mood had changed, and I started tapping on the keyboard. Emotions play an important role in everyone’s life and are an important contributor to success and failure. I […]

Best Writing Tip: Find Your Sound

find your sound as a writer

BY SHAYNA LEWIS My music career ended at age 15. I’d just finished my second year of high school. As a music student, I’d been automatically added to the school band, meaning that my bari sax and I had also attended two years of weekly 7 a.m. rehearsals. Those mornings were actually pretty fun, but […]

Top Writing Tip: Cook for One Person

cooking and writing

BY FATEMEH EBRAHIMI If, like me, you’re a woman in a traditional family and society, whether you’re working or not, you must do the housework. If you’re single and lucky enough to have a sister, these duties will be divided between you. But if you’re very unlucky, your main job is to cook. Why is […]