How to Find Ideas for Articles & Speeches
Do you have problems finding ideas for articles and speeches? I know I have at times, and others tell me the same thing. At my Toastmasters club, for example, I’ve often heard members say they have difficulty finding topics for speeches. But, I’ve learned, like others who write and speak a lot, to start […]
You DO Have Time to Write
So, you’ve got that Great American novel inside of you, just itching to get out … or that how-to book that will change the lives of millions … or that screenplay that would be perfect for Hollywood. Now all you need is the time to commit your words to paper. But where, how do you […]
Writing Tip: Why Nouns and Verbs Are Your Friends
Forget about adjectives and adverbs. Here is why nouns and verbs are your new best friends. “The wearily handsome, nervous, stubble-chinned man slowly and carefully got out of bed when he heard the soft, mysterious sound of footsteps in his apartment.” OR “The ex-con bolted up, rubbed his eyes and then the stubble on his […]