Enhance Your Writing by Avoiding These Words

The Copywriting Course at The Writers College

When reading a piece of writing, whether it’s a blog, an email or an article, you may find tell-tale signs that it’s written by an amateur. Some words add no meaning to the narrative; they’re either redundant or weak words that could be replaced. Use these tips to level up your writing by sounding less […]

Should You Use Colloquial Language, Slang, and Jargon in Your Writing?

The short answer is it depends. Let’s start by looking at what colloquial language is. It can be defined as ‘casual and conversational language, usually specific to a region.’ The word colloquial comes from the Latin word colloquium, meaning ‘speaking together’ or ‘conversation’. English is spoken in the USA, UK, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, among other […]

Should You Give Up Your Day Job to Be a Writer?

Writer working from home

Writer Veselina Yaneva discusses six vital questions to ask yourself before quitting your day job to pursue a writing career. Feeling the urge to leave the boring 9-5 lifestyle to follow your passion? That’s the dream of many artists, including writers. But will this be the right choice for you? Asking yourself the following six […]