How to Start and End a Blog Post for Maximum Engagement

working is a freelance writer

The point of writing a blog post (unless it’s a personal journal-type blog) is to get as much engagement with your readers as possible. Your readers are your customers or potential customers, and you’ll want to grab their attention and keep them reading. Here are two great ways to start your blog post: Firstly, get […]

Never Go Hungry as a Writer: 7 Ways to Run Your Writing Business

Marketing yourself as a Writer

The following seven tips will help you turn your writing career into a successful business. BY VESELINA YANEVA Writing can be an inspiration, an exciting hobby and a therapy. Using the art of writing to make a living, however, requires getting into the nitty gritty of your trade. If you want to run it as […]

How to Set Boundaries with your Clients as a Freelance Writer


Freelance writers need to be able to switch off at the end of the day and enjoy a great work-life balance. Here are tips to manage demanding clients and long hours at the desk. A bonus of freelancing is that you can work from home (or remotely while travelling) and enjoy the benefits of working […]