The Rise of Citizen Journalism: Is It A Good Thing?

citizen journalism versus fake news

Over the last two decades, the rise of citizen journalism has dramatically changed how the world consumes and disseminates news, but do the perils outweigh the potential? In 1991 English man Tim Berners-Lee released his masterful invention – the internet – to the world. It was a defining moment of the information revolution that changed […]

How to Improve Your Article Writing Skills

From Idea to Publication

Leave a lasting impression by enhancing your journalism skills. By Lesley Grossett Good writing has enduring value. The ultimate objective is to write with meaning and purpose not only to elicit a response but also to hold the reader’s attention. According to Satya Brink, an international consultant and analyst: ‘Writing enables you to reach a […]

How to Be Original as a Writer

How to be original and creative as a writer

Among the millions of articles available, why would anyone choose to read yours? To make your writing stand out, you need to be original. Here are some tips for creating unique content. The time, energy, and effort you put into your work are wasted if nobody reads it. To get people to read your writing […]