Gareth Ward – Accomplished Young Adult Novelist

Gareth Ward, Graduate at The Writers College

NZ Writers College is proud to showcase one of its Novel Course graduates, Gareth Ward. Gareth’s debut novel, The Traitor and the Thief, has been described by readers as a “Cracker!” and “A story for all ages.” The steampunk adventure novel won him the 2016 Storylines Tessa Duder Award, the 2018 Sir Julius Vogel Award […]

Graduate Success Story: An Interview with Trish Nicholson

Trish Nicholson, Graduate at The Writers College

Trish Nichsolson completed the Short Story Writing Course at NZ Writers College in 2010. We tracked her progress in the literary world. An Interview with Trish Nicholson What writing successes have you had since completing your course? I was a finalist in the Winchester Festival 2010 from 3000 entries. I came fourth in the Flash […]

Magazine Journalism Student Success Story: Janet Hart

Janet Hart, Graduate at The Writers College

Janet Hart from Nelson, New Zealand completed the Magazine Journalism Course at NZ Writers’ College in 2012. After 28 years of school teaching, we find out how catching the writing bug has changed her life. 1. What made you decide to start writing? It sounded like fun!  Two years ago, at a September breakfast, I read […]