Journalist Rochelle Sewell On Starting Out As A Writer

Rochelle Sewell, Graduate at The Writers College

Rochelle Sewell is a freelance journalist, blogger, and storyteller. She completed the Basics of Feature Writing course in 2015, followed by Advanced Magazine Journalism in 2016. Since then she’s been working to hone her craft and further sharpen her journalistic skills. Her rich, descriptive writing has been featured in three New Zealand publications. A piece […]

Glenn McGoldrick – Published Short Story Writer

Glenn McGoldrick, Graduate at The Writers College

Glenn McGoldrick completed the Short Story Writing For Magazines Course at UK Writers College in 2016. Since then he has enjoyed a spate of literary successes with several stories published, and final placement in two writing competitions. We find out more about his progress as a writer. What made you decide to become a writer? […]

From Blogger To Author: Lesley Sefton’s Journey

Lesley Sefton, Graduate at The Writers College

Catching up with our former student and avid writer – Lesley Sefton – is nothing short of inspiring. She is a reminder that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to, both personally and professionally. Q: Your first book Addict Child was published on Amazon. What a fantastic achievement! Have you got any valuable lessons or […]