Travel Writer Rosanne Turner About Her Writing Life On A Thai Island

Rosanne Turner completed the Travel Writing Course at the Writers College in 2008. Dozens of published travel articles later, she finds herself an expert on Koh Samui, her island home in the Gulf of Thailand. She tells us about her enviable life as a travel writer. What writing successes have you had since completing your course? Travel […]

Catching Up With Copy-Editor, Lesley Wyldbore

Copyediting course success story Lesley Wyldbore

Copy-editing is a vital yet often overlooked part of the writing process. Effective copy-editing adds polish to writing, ensuring clarity and removing errors that a writer might miss. We caught up with Lesley Wyldbore, an SA Writers College graduate who now works as a professional, independent copy-editor. Lesley completed the Copy-Editing and Proofreading Course, as […]

And Now We Wait…. An Author’s First Experience Of Getting Published

Q & A with award-winning authors

– BY HILARY MURRAY For those not familiar with my journey, I recently had my debut novel published (recently, as in ten days ago!).  The build-up to the big day was a major learning curve for someone new to the publishing world. I had naively thought that writing the book was the hardest part. Not so. My education […]