Pros and Cons of Working Remotely as a Freelance Writer

freelance writer from home

Many people are only now hearing these buzz words: ‘digital nomad’ and ‘remote worker’. But for others, they have been living this lifestyle for years, long before others jumped on the bandwagon. What’s the difference between a digital nomad and a remote worker? There isn’t a big difference. Generally a remote worker works from home […]

How to Grow Your Social Network as a Freelance Writer

From Idea to Publication

Sure, being a freelance writer has its perks, but one of the not-so-positive aspects is that it can be a lonely lifestyle if you let it. While the benefits of working from home include avoiding traffic to work, a flexible schedule, and not being location-dependent, many freelancers miss that ‘chatter around the water cooler’. Not […]

Build Your Brand with Powerful Web Writing

writing articles for websites and blogs, the writers college

Explore the importance of web writing to build and maintain a strong brand presence online with three key tips. There is no doubt that the landscape of brand building has changed in recent years. Businesses are investing less in traditional marketing avenues of print media and instead are capturing customers through web writing. For many […]