Darling, Will You Be My Downfall?

BY DENARII PETERS Make ready your scalpel, sword or knife – even your pistol if you prefer – but whatever weapon you do choose keep it close at hand. You never know when you’re going to need it. For out there in the vast jungle of words, the enemy lies in wait. The enemy is […]

Is Writing Your ‘Ikigai’?

Writing SEO Copy for Websites

How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along? If they’re already falling by the wayside, perhaps they weren’t the RIGHT resolutions for you, and you need to find your ‘Ikigai’. If you’ve never come across this term before, this could be an ‘ah ha! moment’ for you. Ikigai is a Japanese belief that refers to […]

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Writers block

Most writers face the dreaded writer’s block at some point in their writing journey. What could be scarier than sitting in front of a blank screen and thinking, ‘What now?’ Here are 17 tips to help you overcome it. Writer’s block most often hits those writing novels and scripts, but it can affect any writer. […]