Creative Writing Tips and Advice

Creative Writing Tips

What You Need to Write Fiction

Editing writing

Writing Tip: Don’t Crowd the Vase

BY HELEN BRAIN Master the art of writing with a florist’s precision. Discover how trimming excess words transforms cluttered prose into powerful imagery. I knew

Writers block

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Most writers face the dreaded writer’s block at some point in their writing journey. What could be scarier than sitting in front of a blank

short story winner

Taint the Innocent


You do have time to write

You DO Have Time to Write

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creative writing courses

Write First, Revise Later

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creaitve writing courses near me

Write And Grow Rich

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how to get on with your editor

Why the Editor is Not the Enemy

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How To Keep Your Point Of View Consistent

Every story is told from a particular point of view. It is the reader’s way “in,” enabling them to experience the world they are reading about. When the point of view shifts without warning, it takes the reader out of the action. Not only does it disrupt their experience, but it can confuse them about what is taking place in your story.

Let’s take a look at what point of view is, and how to avoid the common point of view mistakes beginner fiction writers make.

Children’s Book Questions

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How To Write Effective Dialogue

In most stories, people talk to each other. Many readers enjoy the “talking bits” the most, and will happily skip the scenic descriptions. So how

Write the Stories You've Always Wanted to Write

You'll find it much easier working on-to-one with an award-winning author who will guide you every line of the way.
Writing Courses

Creative Writing Tips and Tools

On Motivation

Writing Advice

How To Write Effective Dialogue

In most stories, people talk to each other. Many readers enjoy the “talking bits” the most, and will happily skip the scenic descriptions. So how

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On Writer's Motivation

How to Keep Writing

It’ll Never Be Perfect

BY PATRICIA A. NUGENT As I grappled with my father’s volatile behaviour, hoping he’d change as a result of his infirmity, his hospice worker consoled

The Old Stump Story

BY DAKOTA LOVE My writing journey began when I was a wee girl of four years old. I wrote a story about a Native American

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On Air

What Stops You from Writing?

Fear, self-doubt, procrastination, waiting for perfect conditions – there are so many reasons why we put off getting started on our writing dreams.

At The Writers College, we help writers reach their goals, by encouraging a daily writing routine and removing the doubts from the writing process.