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Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

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Writing is like baseball

Writing Is a Game for Optimists

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” This piece of wisdom came from an American baseball player long deceased.

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Our Students' Successes

On the Creative Writing Industry

Q & A with Award-winning Novelists

Q & A with award-winning Authors Alex Smith and Tania Hutley: Getting Started as a Creative Writer

Discover answers to burning questions about creative writing:

How to find time to write on top of a day job • How to fire up creativity • How to get over rejection by publishers • The importance of a writing buddy or writers’ circle • How to get published for the first time • The value of self-publishing • Submitting to agents and publishers worldwide • Does the increasing popularity of audiobooks affect the way you write? • What to do if you keep getting work rejected • Is it realistic to be a full-time writer? • How much do you write for your reader and genre? • How to get past the first page/chapter • How much plotting and planning is required • Should you use Scrivener? • Top writing tip for aspiring writers

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On the Mark

Q & A's with Award-winning Authors and Tutors

Spotlight On Karen Jeynes – By Kyle Keegan

Karen Jeynes is a well-known, award-winning playwright whose work includes “Laying Blame”, “sky too big”, “Don’t Mention Sex”, “Kiss Kiss”, “The Happy Factory”, “I’ll Have

Helen Brain, Tutor at The Writers College

Spotlight On Author Helen Brain

Meet Author and Writing Tutor Extraordinaire, Helen Brain Helen Brain is the author of over 60 books for children, an adult memoir and many short

write a memoir course at the writers college

Spotlight On Author Lisa Lazarus

Lisa Lazarus is a freelance journalist for a variety of publications, including Men’s Health, Femina, Psychologies, Shape, Cosmopolitan, Femina, Healthy Pregnancy and the Mail &

Rosemary Hepozden Grammar for Writers tutor at The Writers College

Spotlight On Rosemary Hepözden

Rosemary Hepözden has three decades of editing, writing and teaching experience. She is the author of three nonfiction books, and has a fourth book due

On Focus

All About Journalism

Building a Platform

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5 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Write

Writer’s Motivation: 5 Ways to Keep Your Enthusiasm Burning Picture yourself in the middle of an ultramarathon, pushing through what feels like endless kilometres, every

Your Stories

Writing Tips from Around the World

These essays on writing are written by writers from around the globe. Read the best writing advice that they have ever received.

writing with emotion

Emotions: My Tool for Writing

BY GEETHA RANGANATHAN Sitting at the city library in Parramatta, I asked myself what drove me to write. As the clouds passed by, I realised


Web Writing Tips and Tools

On Travel

Travel Writing Advice

Why Locals Know Best In Travel Writing

Take your travel blogging from one-dimensional personal accounts to stories interwoven with local perspectives and authentic insights. Unless you’re in the Arctic Circle and harp

how to get on with your editor

Why the Editor is Not the Enemy

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8 Essential Apps To Boost Your Travel Writing Career

Anyone can share their travel stories on the Web. However, it is the quality of your writing, editing and photos that distinguish a professional from the run-of-the-mill tourist.

Here are eight apps to help you become the most efficient digital nomad.

On Copyright

Know Your Writing Rights

Copyright Confusion?

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Copyright Q & A For Journalists

What Is Copyright? Copyright law protects the works of artists, and prevents others from publishing, profiting from or proffering an original creative work as if

On Writer's Motivation

How to Keep Writing

writers stop procrastinating

How To Fuel Your Passion For Writing

We know that to become a successful writer you need good time management and self-discipline. But award-winning writer and creativity coach Russel Brownlee says there’s a secret to creating a “bloody-minded commitment” to writing, and it all starts with desire.

It’ll Never Be Perfect

BY PATRICIA A. NUGENT As I grappled with my father’s volatile behaviour, hoping he’d change as a result of his infirmity, his hospice worker consoled

On Procrastination

What Stops You from Writing?

Fear, self-doubt, procrastination, waiting for perfect conditions – there are so many reasons why we put off getting started on our writing dreams.

At The Writers College, we help writers reach their goals, by encouraging a daily writing routine and removing the doubts from the writing process.

On Apps

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