Freelance Rates – How Much Should You Be Charging?

Deciding on an amount that reflects my worth as a writer is probably my biggest headache as a freelancer. With the diversity that comes with the job of writing, comes the strange incongruity in pay rates. In my experience, if you want some consistency in this department, spending a little time on admin goes a […]

How To Write Effective Dialogue

In most stories, people talk to each other. Many readers enjoy the “talking bits” the most, and will happily skip the scenic descriptions. So how do you write realistic, gripping dialogue that moves the story along?   Write believable dialogue Conversation between the characters breaks up the paragraphs that describe action or scenery, and keeps […]

How To Write Great Website Home Page Copy

For most people, the home page is the first thing they see on a website, and first impressions do indeed count. Think of the home page as the shop window, the office reception, the front door. If it looks tired, outdated, cramped and confused, people aren’t going to hang around for long. If, on the […]