Your Stories About Writing

Writing Tips from Around the World

Your Stories

writing with emotion

Emotions: My Tool for Writing

BY GEETHA RANGANATHAN Sitting at the city library in Parramatta, I asked myself what drove me to write. As the clouds passed by, I realised

dealing with rejection

Best Writing Tip: Fail Better

BY TOM BENTLEY When I first started sending article queries out in the eighties, callow youth that I was, I sent them to all the

It’ll Never Be Perfect

BY PATRICIA A. NUGENT As I grappled with my father’s volatile behaviour, hoping he’d change as a result of his infirmity, his hospice worker consoled

The Old Stump Story

BY DAKOTA LOVE My writing journey began when I was a wee girl of four years old. I wrote a story about a Native American

Writing SEO Copy for Websites

Is Writing Your ‘Ikigai’?

How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along? If they’re already falling by the wayside, perhaps they weren’t the RIGHT resolutions for you, and you

best writing tips

Best Writing Advice: Show Me

BY KRISTIN HOYT My numb, icy fingers grasp the frozen metal handle. Whoosh! A burst of warmth wraps around me like a familiar hug as

confidence as a writer

The Only Failing is Never Trying!

By Helen Aitchison Our lives are riddled with self-doubt. Some more than others. We worry, analyse and focus on the negative. ‘I can’t do it!’

how to stick to writing your story

How to Stick to Your Story

By Triyasha De ‘The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.’       

writing prompt for writer

What Memories Don’t Convey

By DAMON CROCKER He moved the bodies of the fallen soldiers to a central location. No, that’s not right, I thought as I violently hit

get your stories published

Just Hit Send

By AMY MULLIS The Enter key is a dragon with sharp claws and teeth that drip the blood of those who dared to trespass. It

writing courses

Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?

By NEELESH RATHI You shouldn’t be afraid of writing garbage—or of other people seeing it. But, what if it’s not garbage? What if it’s not

playwriting course

Playwriting 101

By EWING EUGENE BALDWIN I had ruined my voice touring for three years in a bus and truck company of Jesus Christ Superstar. I had

Best Writing Tips, The Writers College

We Write from Our Scars

By SARAH DITTMORE “It’s a great story,” my teacher acquiesced. I beamed with the smile of an over-achiever receiving the much longed-for validation of a

Writing is like baseball

Writing Is a Game for Optimists

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” This piece of wisdom came from an American baseball player long deceased.

Write the Stories You've Always Wanted to Write

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Writing Courses

Creative Writing Tips and Tools

how to get on with your editor

Why the Editor is Not the Enemy

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short story winner

Taint the Innocent


Children’s Book Questions

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On Motivation

Writing Advice

How To Write Effective Dialogue

In most stories, people talk to each other. Many readers enjoy the “talking bits” the most, and will happily skip the scenic descriptions. So how

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On Writer's Motivation

How to Keep Writing

Writers block

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Most writers face the dreaded writer’s block at some point in their writing journey. What could be scarier than sitting in front of a blank

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On Air

What Stops You from Writing?

Fear, self-doubt, procrastination, waiting for perfect conditions – there are so many reasons why we put off getting started on our writing dreams.

At The Writers College, we help writers reach their goals, by encouraging a daily writing routine and removing the doubts from the writing process.