Your Stories About Writing
Your Stories
The Best Writing Tip: Submit Like a Ninja
BY LAURINDA LIND I’ve had bushels of writing advice dumped at my feet, most of it inspirational for a day or so. Show, don’t tell.
Best Writing Tip: Get Out of Your Own Way
When my life upended in 2018, one of the things I did to re-anchor was to take a course of workshops in ‘Creative Writing Outside’.
The Best Writing Tip: You Are the God of an A4 Piece of Paper
BY TESS GADD ‘What?’ my lecturer asked me in her I-only-baby-my-children-and-not-my-students voice. She looked up from her laptop, glasses holding on to the edge of
The Best Writing Tip: All Your Words Aren’t Brilliant
BY REV DR JILL RICHARDSON I got my first World Religions paper returned with an ‘A’ slashed across the top. This should have elicited joy
The Best Writing Tip: Don’t Write What You Know
BY KIRSTY MACDOUGALL ‘Write what you know, Kirsty.’ This advice stayed with me for well over a decade. At 17, I wrote an essay about
The Best Writing Tip: Write Like No One Is Looking
BY WENDY SPENCER My phone beeped as I was buying milk in Sainsbury’s. Mom’s icon flashed on my screen and I smiled. We had said
The Best Writing Tip I’ve Ever Received: Write to Rewrite Someone’s Life
BY LYN CUBILLAS Time checked: six o’clock in the morning. I was gearing up for my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. I looked towards
The Best Writing Tip I’ve Ever Received: Get Your Hands Bloody
BY MESHNA BHATTARAI The best writing tip I ever received was to get my hands bloody. ‘Wrestle with words, scream at them, claw at them,’
Best Writing Tip: This Is Material
By Ross Ian Fleming 1994 It’s 11.30 a.m.. Early April 1994. Probably a Monday. Our country is on the cusp of a ground-shaking change. But
Best Writing Tip: Trust Yourself
BY EVA BELL Writing was always my first love. One thing I wanted above all else was to be a writer. But my father had
The Wise Take Criticism and Turn It to Their Advantage
BY LISA CORTEZ ‘I’m bored already,’ my mother said, removing her reading glasses and throwing my manuscript down on the coffee table. She’d come to
Stop Waiting for Permission to Write
BY BELINDA MOUNTAIN The best piece of writing advice I ever received? It was from a professor of journalism in my hometown of Makhanda, Eastern
The Best Writing Tip: Remember Why You Write
BY LIZ AMOS I have a confession to make: no one told me this. No one sat me down, looked me in the eyes and
Best Writing Tip: I Write As If Nobody Will See My Work
BY SIMON WINTER Bill Nighy, the famous English actor, recently celebrated his 74th birthday. Interviewed, he said, ‘I am a world-class procrastinator. I’m only an actor
Get Your Dumb, Lazy Ass in There and Start Writing!
BY TOM LARSEN I wrote my first short story at ten years of age. Back then, magazines would have a back page full of two-inch
Move Over, Hemingway. Kindergarteners Hold My Compass.
BY AMY HADDEN Writers. Each stroke of the marker let out a faint ‘shhh’ across the yellow chart paper. Its scent danced over the rainbow
The Best Writing Tip: You’re Never Too Old!
BY SARAH DAS GUPTA It had taken five very sexy young firemen to move me to the ambulance on that hot July afternoon. I couldn’t
The Best Writing Advice: Why Do I Write?
BY RINA BESTER My life was a mess: children grown up, husband retired. In the background, an unnerving prodding from my unfulfilled dreams begged me to
What Kind of Writer Are You: Gardener or Architect?
BY TRI NGUYEN I am a gardener. Well, I am not a gardener by trade per se, but a gardener by style. That is the
The Best Writing Tip I’ve Ever Received: Forget about Plot
BY ALANA BETH DAVIES Plot was always my downfall, my weak spot, my Achilles heel – you get the picture. Description, I was okay with:
You Can’t Be an Imposter Because I Am
BY KRISTINE LACO Sheena wasn’t a writer, but she gave the best writing advice. She was my instructor at a cognitive behavioural therapy group. ‘What
Emotions: My Tool for Writing
BY GEETHA RANGANATHAN Sitting at the city library in Parramatta, I asked myself what drove me to write. As the clouds passed by, I realised
Best Writing Tip: Find Your Sound
BY SHAYNA LEWIS My music career ended at age 15. I’d just finished my second year of high school. As a music student, I’d been
Top Writing Tip: Cook for One Person
BY FATEMEH EBRAHIMI If, like me, you’re a woman in a traditional family and society, whether you’re working or not, you must do the housework.
Be Like Great Uncle Ferdy – My Writing Hero
BY TONY OSWICK When I was growing up, I wanted to be just like Great Uncle Ferdy. My mum was his only living relative and,
Best Writing Tip: Fail Better
BY TOM BENTLEY When I first started sending article queries out in the eighties, callow youth that I was, I sent them to all the
The Best Writing Tip I Ever Received Was Not to Write
BY RUSSELL MICKLER The best writing tip I ever received was not to write. It began with an essay, a critique of Chaucer’s ‘The Miller’s
Not Having the Time to Write Makes Me Angry
By KIM PATTON Because my stories keep my heart pounding at night with the possibility of it all, when I can’t get words on paper,
Best Writing Tip: Learn to Write Garbage
BY SARAH KELLEHER For me, writing used to move in cycles. First is the inspired phase. I’d put my laptop by my favourite window, wear
Let Nothing Stop Your Writing
BY CHARLIE CY ‘The writer’s only responsibility is to his art. He will be completely ruthless if he is a good one. He has a
It’ll Never Be Perfect
BY PATRICIA A. NUGENT As I grappled with my father’s volatile behaviour, hoping he’d change as a result of his infirmity, his hospice worker consoled
The Old Stump Story
BY DAKOTA LOVE My writing journey began when I was a wee girl of four years old. I wrote a story about a Native American
Darling, Will You Be My Downfall?
BY DENARII PETERS Make ready your scalpel, sword or knife – even your pistol if you prefer – but whatever weapon you do choose keep
Is Writing Your ‘Ikigai’?
How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along? If they’re already falling by the wayside, perhaps they weren’t the RIGHT resolutions for you, and you
Face Challenges, Take Risks and Write About Them
BY ROBERT B. ROBESON If I’d wanted an easy life, I could have taken up quantum physics, brain surgery or attempted to open a McDonald’s
Best Writing Tip: Just Get On With It
BY SIOBHAN MURPHY Writing. It’s hard. Everyone who writes has been told this more times than the word count of The Lord of the Rings.
Best Writing Advice: Allow All the Parts of Your Life in Your Writing
Spiegel im Spiegel BY PETRA HILGERS If you’ve ever read H C Anderson’s fairytale Die Schneekönigin – which I played endlessly on our record player
Best Writing Advice: Show Me
BY KRISTIN HOYT My numb, icy fingers grasp the frozen metal handle. Whoosh! A burst of warmth wraps around me like a familiar hug as
The Best Writing Tip: Cut with a Razor
BY AMELIA RAY Don’t ask me where but once I read that Keith Richards reportedly has a unique songwriting approach. Supposedly, he writes down every
My Mother-In-Law Could Be an Orc
By Taryn Hochstrasser During my last year of high school, I wrote an essay based on one of the given topics. I don’t remember it
The Only Failing is Never Trying!
By Helen Aitchison Our lives are riddled with self-doubt. Some more than others. We worry, analyse and focus on the negative. ‘I can’t do it!’
Best Writing Advice: Don’t Write It; Be It
By Chase D. Cartwright That’s it. That’s the best advice I can give. Don’t write it; be it. Don’t live your life to become a
Best Writing Advice: Simplicity is Key
By Baks Wa Muthamia English is neither my first nor my second nor my third language. It comes in at a distant fourth! But I loved
Your Scraps Will Be Your Treasure Later
By Laura Borjas There is a challenge every writer goes through – one might call it a ‘rite of passage’ – where you smear your
Best Writing Advice: Embrace Your Craft Completely
By Sujana Vangala For years, I lived in a space of hesitancy, in Plan B’s and safety nets. In the same way, my writing survived
Best Writing Advice: Aim for Rejections
By Dorotea Saputo The best writing advice I’ve ever received came from my grandfather who bragged about never having read a book in his life.
How to Stick to Your Story
By Triyasha De ‘The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.’
Remember the Reason Why You Write
By Elouwdi Smit The first piece of advice I received about writing was to have fun! Don’t be serious – just enjoy it. I will
Best Writing Advice: Give Your Characters Life
By Sufia Aleia For a story to exist, it must have characters. For characters to exist, they must be given life. After all, lifeless, inanimate
Best Writing Tip: How to Get Away with ‘Murder’
By Tarumbidzwa Chirume I was 15 when my English teacher, Mrs Williams, told me to commit murder. It was Speech Day, and we all had
Best Writing Advice: It’s Skills, Not Genre, That Determines Writing Success
‘What’s Your Favourite Popsicle?’ By Archanaa I stared at the red circle on my calendar. I had three weeks to submit my short story. The
Best Writing Tip I’ve Ever Received: ‘Don’t Value Your Time’
by Luciana Patri ‘Wanna be successful? Don’t value your time.’ – read the daring title of a video by Teal Swan, one of my favourite
Advice for Writers: Rejection is Just a ‘No’
By Kathleen Marple Kalb Rejection is bad, but the fear of it is worse. Too many good writers are afraid to put their work out
Best Writing Advice: Write About Things You Can Drop
When I was a child, I understood grief because I’d had an elephant cookie jar on my shelf that was missing a lid. I’d watched
How to Overcome Self-Doubt as a Writer
Here are some tips on kicking your inner critic out the door, so you can get back to doing what you love most, writing. As
Self-help 101: Build Trust in One Easy Step
By KIRSTY MAC DOUGALL ‘Trust in the writing process.’ ‘Trust in your innate and untapped writing abilities.’ ‘Trust in yourself.’ Great advice. Tony Robbins would
What Memories Don’t Convey
By DAMON CROCKER He moved the bodies of the fallen soldiers to a central location. No, that’s not right, I thought as I violently hit
Pretend You Know What You’re Doing
By CARTER LAPPIN You’re on a bus, about to head up the side of a winding mountain road. You’re trying to get comfortable in your
Just Hit Send
By AMY MULLIS The Enter key is a dragon with sharp claws and teeth that drip the blood of those who dared to trespass. It
The Best Writing Advice: You Can Break the Rules If You Have a Good Reason For It
By ETHAN ALEXANDER I was never the popular kid in high school. In fact, I was mostly ignored. I had just transferred to a
Perfidious Passion: Why You Should Bleed Out For Your Writing Instead
By AIMAN SHAHID Take a wound as a starting point; it doesn’t need to be a dramatic blood-splattered Monty Pythonesque affair. It can even
Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?
By NEELESH RATHI You shouldn’t be afraid of writing garbage—or of other people seeing it. But, what if it’s not garbage? What if it’s not
Playwriting 101
By EWING EUGENE BALDWIN I had ruined my voice touring for three years in a bus and truck company of Jesus Christ Superstar. I had
Even Art Should Be Taken Seriously
By JAVI REDDY There is a notion held by non-artistic people that creatives sit around half-nude for most of their days, stewing in their emotions,
We Write from Our Scars
By SARAH DITTMORE “It’s a great story,” my teacher acquiesced. I beamed with the smile of an over-achiever receiving the much longed-for validation of a
Best Writing Advice: Get a Hobby
BEST WRITING ADVICE: GET A HOBBY The lettuce wilted. The basil died as soon as it flourished, and the oregano never sprouted in the first
Writing Is a Game for Optimists
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” This piece of wisdom came from an American baseball player long deceased.
Best Writing Tip: Don’t Wait for The Muse
I have always been highly susceptible to anything that promised I could become a writer. I believed in magical notebooks, charmed pens, lucky knickers,
Write the Stories You've Always Wanted to Write
Creative Writing Tips and Tools
What Really Drives Writers to Succeed?
Discover how Daniel H. Pink’s New York Times bestseller Drive can help you transform your writing process by unlocking your intrinsic motivation. Why do some
Let Them Rest! Overworked Phrases and Story Elements
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Writing from Personal Experience: Tips and Techniques
Some articles have a greater impact and reader engagement if written from personal experience. Writing from your own perspective can engage readers and convey your
Can You Make A Living Writing Short Stories?
In a nutshell, the answer is no. Only a handful of writers of this genre make enough to support themselves purely from selling their stories.
The Best Apps and Tools for Writers
Writers today have it easier than writers of yesteryear. Gone are the days when you head to the library if you need to do research.
Mastering Point of View in Fiction: A Guide by Sonny Whitelaw
One of the most common challenges writers face when learning to write fiction is maintaining point of view (PoV). In this article, award-winning author Sonny
Developing Your Character’s Character – 4 Ways to Create Credibility
Whoever your protagonist may be, they must be someone your reader can connect with. If they’re the hero, your reader needs to like them and
Writing Advice
How To Achieve Your Writing Goals
It’s not talent or word power that make writers successful; it’s staying power. Here are our 7 best tips to thrive as a writer. 1.
How To Write Effective Dialogue
In most stories, people talk to each other. Many readers enjoy the “talking bits” the most, and will happily skip the scenic descriptions. So how
Eleven Ways To Draw In Your Reader
Here are 11 ways to draw in your reader and keep them hooked. Each one of these ways takes time to master, so do expect
How Do You Improve Your Chances Of Winning A Short Story Competition?
After over a decade of judging thousands of short stories in our national writing competitions, our Writers College judges have compiled a list of eight
Create Perfect Logical Flow In Your Writing
Logical flow is one of the trickier writing skills to master, but it is vital for good writing. Here’s a guide to making sure your
Want to Transform Your Writing?
How to Keep Writing
The Secret to Writing Success: How Tiny Habits Can Lead to Big Breakthroughs
Discover how small, consistent actions can lead to big breakthroughs in your writing journey. Ever sit down to write and feel like you’re staring at
How to Overcome Writer’s Block
Most writers face the dreaded writer’s block at some point in their writing journey. What could be scarier than sitting in front of a blank
Is Being a Writer the Career For You?
Check out a tongue-in-cheek but accurate flowchart that shows off the writing process step by step. Created by STEVE BAILEY About the Author Steve Bailey
Want to Transform Your Writing?
What Stops You from Writing?
Fear, self-doubt, procrastination, waiting for perfect conditions – there are so many reasons why we put off getting started on our writing dreams.
At The Writers College, we help writers reach their goals, by encouraging a daily writing routine and removing the doubts from the writing process.